Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

B4 MOD [Simple bamzzz Mod]

Langsung aja gan...

- Deodex
- Firmware DXAME1/DXAMI2 (other firmware not tested)
- Recommend using DXAMI2 firmware
- Diutamakan sehabis di flash ulang / Clear Dalvik-Cache
- Sudah install CWM & sudah di ROOT


DOC (untuk bahan bacaan):
Flashing firmware:


Installing CWM:



- 50 default Wallpapers
- SMS 200 recipients, stop SMS to MMS auto-converting, increase SMS hour limit, 1000 slides, group messages, scheduled messages, save/restore messages, enable split view on landscape screen, enable the Screen on/off toggle, vibration, and signature options, increase the SMS hour limit to 1000, increase the MMS Max size to 2048000 bytes and also increase the MMS Image size to 4096x2048 [8.4MP]
- CSC feature control
- Add noFrillsCPU Classic to system app & Settings options
- Locksreen ripple effect, ticker view, AOSP with 5 shortcut
- 5 tabs SystemUI
- 5 dock icon launcher
- Real-time notification panel background color/transparency
- Real Time Clock and Statusbar Colors
- Network traffic with display/hide options & colors
- Transparent Accuweather widget
- Display/Hide Alarm icon in real time
- Display hidden settings
- 23 toggle grid with owner profile
- Add Switch On/Off For Battery and Keyboard Notifications
- Add multiwindow
- Add Screenshot &  Safe mode to power menu
- Add extra toggle to default notification toggle
- Add OGBatteryMOD (optional)
- Support all rotation directions
- And more...

Download Link:

Size: 64.58 MB (67721855 bytes)

With OGBattery (Addons):
Size: 25.62 MB (26860562 bytes)

MOD RESTORE (Download aja taro di extsdcard):
Size: 125.48 KB (128490 bytes)


Update 1 (20 Dec 2013):

Update yg normal tanpa OGBattery:

Update untuk yg pke OGBattery:

Change log update 1 :
- Fix Notif panel Lag :D
- Add tilt effect + Tab indicator in notif panel
- Resize TAB area
- Add Battery BAR


Update 2 (20 Dec 2013):

Update yg normal tanpa OGBattery:

Update untuk yg pke OGBattery:

Change log update 2 :
- Fix Settings Display
- Fix Translations
- Fix Battery options not showing :lol

Letakkan MOD yg sudah didownload di sdcard dan jangan di dalam folder
- Matiin HH agan
- Masuk ke CWM (home+power+volume up), backup data...
- Pilih install zip from sdcard
- Install (wajib diinstall)
- Install (kalo mau pake OGBattery aja, ini kgk wajib diinstall)
- Install Update1 lewat CWM (Salah satu aja, yg without OG atau yg with OG)
- Install Update2 lewat CWM (Salah satu aja, yg without OG atau yg with OG)
- Restart hh (cek bootloop atau gk)
- Jika bootloop restore data yg telah dibackup sebelumnya lewat CWM
- Kalu berhasil booting, Buka Pengaturan -> Tampilan, atur" display, clock, dll dlu sesuai selera agan, klo sdh restart HH.
- Done!!! Kalau agan tampan pasti berhasil :p


Q: Foto kontak ane ilang gan?
A: Atur di CSC Feature Controller, checklist di contacts photo
Q: HH ane muter" di CWM melulu gan?
A: Install ini via CWM ( Restart hh lewat situ.
Q: Atur statusbar transparan'y gmna gan??
A: Masuk ke display settings -> Statusbar color -> Atur sesuai selera, apply dengan mengklik warna
Q: Ngatur toggle'y gmna?
A: Masuk ke display settings -> Quickpanel
Q: Settings ane FC gan? / Laucher ane FC gan?
     - Buka Lucky Patcher, pilih Toolbox -> pilih Clear dalvik-cache and Reboot
     - Ntar HH restart sndri
     - Kalo msh FC extract zip'y, copy manual apk yg FC ke folder system/app/disini, set permission jdi rw-r--r-- trus restart
     - Kalo masih FC, coba flash firmware DXAMI2
     - Kalo masih FC jg,, berarti agan gk bisa make mod ini..


"Tambahin sndri"


My Previous MOD:


1. Pastikan membackup via CWM sebelum menginstall MOD
2. Ane gk bertanggung jawab atas kerugian/kehilangan data akibat menginstall MOD ini
3. Donasi untuk support pengembangan mod ini dalam bentuk pulsa bisa kemari -> "089631395949"

DWYOR (Do With Your Own Risk)


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